STATEMENT: Catholic Climate Covenant signs Multi Faith Statement

On September 23, Catholic Climate Covenant signed on to the Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action, a statement providing action steps for the Rio Conventions Joint Capacity-building Programme, initiated by the secretariats of the three 1992 Rio Conventions, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

The Joint Capacity-building Programme of the Rio Conventions helps people and organizations work better together to protect the environment. It focuses on combining efforts in fighting climate change, saving wildlife, and managing land wisely. The program encourages teamwork across different areas, planning together, creating useful policies, and including the knowledge of local communities, all while supporting the goals for sustainable development.

Climate change, desertification, and biodiversity loss were all issues addressed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, where the UNFCCC and CBD were opened for signature and the UNCCD was called for in Agenda 21, leading to the trio being known as “the Rio Conventions.” Agenda 21 is a comprehensive action plan adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It aims to promote sustainable development globally, addressing social, economic, and environmental issues. The document outlines strategies for governments, organizations, and communities to follow in order to achieve sustainable practices in areas such as poverty reduction, environmental protection, and resource management. Agenda 21 encourages local participation and collaboration to create a more sustainable future for all.

Rooted in shared environmental and developmental concerns, the Rio Conventions are increasingly collaborating to develop integrated solutions to these pressing challenges.

“This approach is consistent with the integral ecology approach that Pope Francis outlined in Laudato Si’,” said Dan Misleh, executive director of the Covenant. “Indeed all is connected so finding ways to protect biodiversity, reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and slow desertification are at once a complicated set of tasks, but also vitally important to help solve the environmental crisis.”

The Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action was drafted and reviewed by multiple organizations, including Anglican Communion, Baha’i International Community, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa, G20 Global Land Initiative, ProSocial World, Soka Gakkai International, UNEP Faith for Earth Coalition, United Religions Initiative, and WWF Beliefs and Values Program.

“Since 1992, we have seen the global community come together to advance and reaffirm that vision in a variety of ways,” the Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action reads. “We recognize, however, that we are falling short in protecting the environment and safeguarding it for future generations: we are on track to miss the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Agreement, in the past 50 years we have lost approximately 70% of global biodiversity, and up to 40% of the world’s land is degraded, affecting the livelihoods of about 3.2 billion people.” 

The Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action acknowledges that advances in science, technology, and material resources must be “matched by a parallel will for implementation.” The Call to Action urges cooperation and action at every level:

  • Globally and nationally, we must realign policies and actions to reflect the urgency and interconnectedness of biodiversity loss, climate change, and land degradation, ensuring that all efforts are consistent with the targets and commitments set forth by the Rio Conventions.
  • Locally, we must encourage and nurture community-based, whole-of-society initiatives that honor and protect the ecosystems that sustain life.
  • Internally, we must cultivate coherence between inner and outer restoration, recognizing that our personal and collective flourishing is inextricably linked to the health of our planet.

“Signing the Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action is a profound commitment to our shared responsibility in safeguarding creation, as expressed by Pope Francis in his Laudato Si’ encyclical,” Misleh said. “As stewards of the Earth, we must unite across faiths to address the urgent challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation. Our collective action is essential for a sustainable future that honors both our planet and the dignity of every person.”

The Call to Action emphasized the importance of work across faith divides in its conclusion. 

“By endorsing the Multifaith Triple COP Call to Action, we reaffirm our belief that environmental justice is a moral imperative,” Misleh said. “It is vital that we integrate spiritual values into our climate response, drawing on the wisdom of diverse faith traditions to inspire concrete actions that align with the goals of the Rio Conventions. Together, we can cultivate a world where ecological integrity and the flourishing of humanity go hand in hand.”

Faith leaders can sign the Call to Action here


About Catholic Climate Covenant  

Catholic Climate Covenant is a national U.S. nonprofit founded with the support of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2006 that inspires and equips U.S. Catholics and institutions to care for creation together. Through 20 national partners, we guide the U.S. Church’s response to climate change and integral ecology through faith-driven education, advocacy, and resources.


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