Young Adult Mobilization

ABOUT Young Adult Mobilization

The Catholic Climate Covenant mobilizes U.S. based young adults ages 18-39 and from across the umbrella of the Catholic Church around care of creation. From webinars and weekend retreats, to curriculum for college and parish settings, and year-long leadership formation programs, the Covenant offers young adults and those who work with young adults resources to organize for climate action through a faith-based, Catholic perspective.

The Covenant defines “young adults” with the understanding established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: “people in their late teens, twenties, and thirties; single, married, divorced, or widowed; and with or without children.” (Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Ministry with Young Adults, USCCB, 1996)


Culture of Encounter: Our advocacy and organizing efforts are rooted in a “culture of encounter,” a perspective Pope Francis has named as a form of experiencing Christ in our relationship with others. “The human person, with his or her inalienable rights, is by nature open to relationship. Implanted deep within us is the call to transcend ourselves through an encounter with others” (Fratelli Tutti, p.111). Moving from this place, we seek to be in right-relationship with  one another and the world around us, orienting towards undoing systems of oppression exacerbated by climate change.

Protagonists of Transformation:  In a prayer vigil at the 28th World Youth Day, Pope Francis proclaimed, “It is the young who want to be the protagonists of change. Please, don’t leave it to others to be the protagonists of change. You are the ones who hold the future! You … Through you the future is fulfilled in the world. I ask you also to be protagonists of this transformation.” Young people are the mobilizing force within the Church. We need your presence and your voice. Your leadership is transformative and it’s time for us all and the Church to be changed.

Ecological Conversion: Pope Francis calls for an ecological conversion that disrupts our way of living in the world. When our relationship with life around us is rooted in relationship with Jesus Christ, we are moved to care for creation. He says, “Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience” (Laudato Si, p.217).

How to Get Involved

Young Adult Advisory Board

Young Adult Advisory Board

Develop your leadership skills and network with other young adults
Learn More

Common Home Corps

Common Home Corps

A leadership development program to mobilize your diocese for climate action
Learn more

Jubilee 2025

Jubilee 2025

Celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025
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An integral ecology curriculum by young adults for young adults
Learn More

Core Tenets

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Our faith helps us not turn away from the realities of the climate crisis by rooting us in hope. All programs integrate a faith formation element that develops participants’ spiritual leadership.

Rooted in a “culture of encounter,” we provide opportunities to learn about and from one another, sharing the questions, challenges, and possibilities currently shaping our lives. Moving at the speed of trust, we can learn from and accompany one another.

We orient in faith-filled solidarity with those most impacted by the climate crisis, aware that justice for front line communities is a Christian call to action.

For workshop, facilitation, and speaking requests, please send an email to: Please include as much detail to your request as possible, for example, timeline, approximately how many people would attend, goals for the event, etc.