Let's Act Together for our Common Home
Join U.S. Catholics responding to the climate crisis with faith, advocacy, climate action, and education.
About Us
Catholic Climate Covenant helps U.S. Catholics respond to the Church’s call to care for creation and those most affected by the climate crisis. We are grounded in the Church’s deep history of teaching on creation, ecology, and the most vulnerable.
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We're All Part of God's Planet
Just as when, united as one body of Christ, we are a reflection of God’s love. Caring for our common home makes us all part of God’s Planet…
Featured Stories
Teachers adapt Feast of St. Francis program for students
When Catholic Climate Covenant announced our Feast of St. Francis program, we encouraged our supporters to adapt the program to their needs and audience, as we do with every program. Pat and Paul
Together for Hopeful Action: A recap of the Covenant’s Youth and Young Adult summer achievements
By Kayla Jacobs and Diana Marin The Covenant’s Youth and Young Adult programs have been going full speed ahead these past few months with in-person trainings, conference attendance, listening sessions, community conversations, and
Franciscan Sisters lead Franciscans for Earth Initiative
This story originally appeared on God’s Plan(et), which is an initiative of Catholic Climate Covenant. It’s no secret that Catholic religious communities and orders have led the way for years when it comes
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