Synod on Synodality Events Demographics

Catholic Climate Covenant hosted five Synodal “Listening Sessions” and provided an online survey for constituents who could not meet in person. The demographic information was collected with an online form. The information for the Listening Sessions and the Online Survey (scroll down) are below.

1) Synodal Listening Sessions

Five Synodal Listening Sessions occurred throughout the week of June 13th, 2022 over Zoom.

Demographics: Overall, 171 people participated. 111 filled out the demographics survey, of which 83 were women (74.8%), 27 men (24.3%), and 1 preferred not to say (0.9%).  Age:  69 were 70+ years old (62.2%); 31 between 56-70 years old (27.9%); 5 between 40-55 years old (4.5%); 5 between 16-39 years old (4.5%), and one person preferred not to say (0.9%).  Race: 89 responded white, non-Hispanic (80.2%); 9 Other (8.1%); 4 preferred not to say (3.6%); 3 African American (2.7%); 2 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (1.8%); 2 Latino/Hispanic (1.8%); 1 Asian American (0.9%); and 1 American Indian or Alaskan Native (0.9%).  

Listening Sessions Demographics

2) On-line Survey
The Covenant provided an on-line form with the same questions to people unable to attend the Synodal sessions. 15 individuals responded.  Gender: 10 women (66.74 four men (26.7%), and 1 preferred not to disclose (6.7%). Age: 7 were 70+ years old (46.7%), 2 were 56-70 years old (13.3%), 4 were 40-55 years old (26.7%), 1 was 16-39 years old (6.7%), and 1 preferred not to say (5.7%).  Race: 12 non-Hispanic white (80%), 1 Latino/Hispanic (6.7%), 1 Asian American (6.7%), and 1 Other (6.7%).

Online Survey Demographics