Monday, November 23, 2020
Media contact: Elena Gaona, 202-907-9717  
Catholic Climate Covenant Announces the New Director of Youth and Young Adult Mobilization
Washington, D.C. – Catholic Climate Covenant is pleased to announce Anna Robertson as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Mobilization.
Anna will develop and lead this new program to inspire, organize and mobilize Catholic youth and young adults across the United States desiring to answer the Church’s call to care for creation and our most vulnerable neighbors, and to act on climate change. Anna begins on November 30th.
“We are blessed to welcome Anna to the Covenant team,” said Dan Misleh, the Covenant’s Executive Director. “Catholic youth and young adults are increasingly concerned about the climate crisis and political divisions. Their voices and our shared faith are key ingredients to overcome these massive challenges. Anna brings deep experience helping youth and young adults fold care for our common home more intentionally into their Catholic faith. We are excited to see how this experience will expand on a national scale for a community increasingly concerned about creation.”
Before joining the Covenant, Anna worked as Campus Minister for Retreats at Seattle University, supported families of women experiencing incarceration, conducted research on collective memory in El Salvador, and coordinated international immersions at the intersection of faith and justice in Latin America. Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, Anna holds a Master of Theological Studies from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Xavier University in Ohio.
“I am thrilled to be stepping into the work of Catholic Climate Covenant at this pivotal moment in human history,” Anna said. “In  Laudato Si‘, Pope Francis writes, ‘Nothing in this world is indifferent to us.’ From the global pandemic to hard-hitting hurricanes, persistent racial injustice to divisive partisanship, this year leaves little doubt that we are intricately connected with each other and our Earth, and that we need to come together to assure a sustainable and thriving future. My experiences have convinced me that hope arises from love, reconciliation, bridge-building and service for the common good—hallmarks of the Catholic faith that will ground my work with Catholic Climate Covenant.”
The Covenant’s Youth and Young Adult Mobilization Program is a new effort that will build on and expand existing Covenant programs as well as discover new ways to reach youth and young adults through partnerships with other Catholic organizations already working in this area. Current Covenant programs include the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Special Anniversary Year activities, as well as other Covenant-sponsored events, teachings, and conferences including Season of Creation, the Feast of St. Francis, communications campaigns, campus ministry, and work with parishes.
About Catholic Climate Covenant:  
Catholic Climate Covenant is a national nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. that includes  19 U.S. Catholic partner institutions.  It was formed under the auspices of the  U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops  in 2006. The Covenant helps guide the U.S. Church’s response to the moral calling to act on care for Creation including climate change and caring for the poor by educating, giving public witness and offering concrete resources.