Submitted by Lynn DeBroeck, Washington


Who will speak for the ancient cedar tree
As its branches wave in the autumn breeze
If not you then could it be me

Who will speak for the dancing swallow
As it darts around the insect it tries to follow
Would it be you or should it be me

Who will speak for the diving whale
Who breaches and turns and flips its tail
Why not you and why not me

Who will speak for the busy buzzing bee
Who works all day to pollinate the waiting tree
What if it was you along with me

Who will speak for the child in another land
Who just needs hope and a helping hand
please let it be you and let it be me

Who will speak and who will listen
Now is the time to hear God’s creation
Calling us all into loving action    
~Lynn DeBroeck

A poem calling us into action to use our voices to help God’s creation