What Catholics Can Do to Help Address Climate Change

All it takes is one good person to restore hope.” (Laudato Si’#71)

As we enter this new year, our nation had hoped to be facing better days soon. Surely 2020 would leave with all of its ills. This week has shown us once again that we have much work to do to restore our nation and our world. With God by our side as our guiding light, we must press on in love and action.

One question I get asked often is “What can I do?” to address climate change. As we face this new year ahead, focused on how we will individually and collectively help build a better world, I’d like to share some resources and ideas on how to begin taking action right now. It’s up to you and me to build a better world.

Thanks for your dedication to Our Common Home. Please let us know what you’re doing and don’t hesitate to reach out to our staff for help! (info@catholicclimatecovenant.org)

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