We Must Rebuild Together to Preserve our Mountains, our Precious Resources, for All
The Appalachian Mountain Range is a jewel of creation, one of the most biodiverse systems in the country.
Read blog entries from Catholic Climate Covenant below.
The Appalachian Mountain Range is a jewel of creation, one of the most biodiverse systems in the country.
Why should we “care for Creation?” The answers can be as varied as there are people.
This Season of Creation, the Diocese of Joliet helped celebrate the Season of Creation with a prayer service adapted to our days of pandemic.
This Season of Creation we have a blog from Dr. Laura Anderko PhD RN, and Director of the Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health and the Environment at Villanova University.
Today we have a blog from one of the Covenant’s critical national partners, Catholic Relief Services, the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States.
Election season can be heartburn-inducing for many Catholics.
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis Creation Care Ministry is organizing the Season of Creation Tree & Flower Extravaganza.
My first educational experience regarding the environment, and the steep hill of degradation it is evidently facing, was in AP Environmental Science during my senior year of high school.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson in New Jersey received a grant from the U.S. Catholic Climate Project and used the funds to purchase reusable bags for their food pantries.
A forlorn-looking polar bear on a small piece of ice was once the quintessential image of climate change and its impact.