Contact: Katie Zakrzewski, 501-618-0234
Friday, April 12, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The board of directors for Catholic Climate Covenant named Dan Misleh as the interim director of the Covenant, following Jose Aguto’s resignation as executive director March 28.
Aguto announced his decision to step down to the Covenant board of directors in mid-March. He will stay with the organization through May 16 to assist with the transition.
The board of directors of Catholic Climate Covenant has appointed Dan Misleh, founder of the Covenant, as interim executive director, according to board president Scott Hurd, vice president for leadership formation with Catholic Charities USA.
“The board of directors is grateful for Jose’s service and the legacy he leaves, and assures him of prayer and every good wish as he embarks on new paths where he can share his vision, passion, and talents,” Hurd said in an interview with National Catholic Reporter’s Earthbeat.
“In view of his current role as founder and his prior experience as executive director of the Covenant, the board is grateful for Dan’s willingness to serve as interim executive director while we discern the next steps,” said Hurd.
“He gave us his all,” Misleh said of Aguto’s seven years with the Covenant, two and a half of those as executive director. “He helped shape existing programs and develop new programs and initiatives, including expanding the Covenant’s U.S. leadership of the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform, advocacy efforts in greater collaboration with Catholic partners, bringing in youth and young adult programs, and connecting the Covenant to environmental justice efforts. His energy and his enthusiasm will be missed.”
In parting, Aguto said that he “thanks God for the blessing to work with so many friends and colleagues at the Covenant, across the Catholic Church, and of other faith traditions and of goodwill. I am inspired by their dedication to the care of our neighbors, our common home, and the common good, and pray that the Lord guides their efforts.”
“I ask for your prayers and patience with me as I move back into the executive director role,” Misleh told Covenant staff. “And I especially ask for your prayers for Jose as he discerns his future. He has served the organization faithfully and with great skill and commitment for seven years.”
About Catholic Climate Covenant
Catholic Climate Covenant is a national U.S. nonprofit founded with the support of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2006 that inspires and equips U.S. Catholics and institutions to care for creation together. Through 20 national partners, we guide the U.S. Church’s response to climate change and integral ecology through faith-driven education, advocacy, and resources.