Mass for Creation Resources

A “Mass for Creation” is a celebration of God’s creation.  Many dioceses and parishes are celebrating the Season of Creation (Sept-1st-Oct. 4th), the Feast of St Francis (Oct 4th), and/or the anniversary of Laudato Si’ (May 23) with a special Mass ( a “Mass for Creation” or sometimes called a “Green Mass” or “Laudato Si’ Mass”) celebrated by the bishop, auxiliary bishop(s), or the vicar general.  The “Mass for Creation” liturgy is chosen to bring to light the important theme of Catholic Social Teaching that we are called to intentionality and responsibility around issues of stewardship through the lens of an integral ecology; care for creatures, care for the earth, care for water, and care for each other.

Reach out to your (arch)bishop and/or pastor and ask that your (arch)diocese/parish celebrate a “Mass for Creation” during the Season of Creation (Sept. 1st – Oct. 4th) and/or Laudato Si’ Anniversary (week around May 23rd).

To help your (arch)diocese or parish celebrate a “Mass for Creation” we provide you with several templates and other resources  from dioceses that have celebrated such a Mass.

1) Diocese of Worcester Green Mass

2) Archdiocese of Atlanta Green Mass

  • May 17, 2022 Green Mass (Celebrants: Bishop Joel Konzen, Pastor Sunny Punnakuziyil, Father Dairo Rico, Deacons Mike Hayward, Mike Bryne and Deacon Master of Ceremonies, Altar Server Sirak Petros)
  • Readings and Universal Prayers

3) Archdiocese of Chicago Laudato Si’  Mass

4) Diocese of San Diego St. Francis Celebration Planning Outlines

5) Archdiocese of Washington Green Mass

6) Saint Susanna Parish in Dedham MA