As early as her sophomore year in college, Emma Heienickle was interested in social justice and ecological issues. After attending Catholic Climate Covenant’s and Creighton University’s “Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Church” conference in 2019 and meeting several Catholic campus ministers and activists, Emma confirmed she wanted to pursue climate work for her career. And as one of the youngest conference attendees, she knew she had to get other young adults — who are the planet’s future — involved, too.

Shortly after, Emma became more involved with Catholic Climate Covenant’s programming. She helped lead breakout sessions specifically directed toward youth and young adults at the 2021 Laudato Si’ Conference, later becoming the Wholemakers program at the Covenant. She applied to Common Home Corps, the Covenant’s program for young adults, and began her leadership training with commitment and vision. Since then, Emma has worked to educate her parish and other young adults about Catholic Social Teaching and environmental concerns. Alongside her academic work in atmospheric and climate science, Emma began to connect her faith to her activist and scientific initiatives, bringing Laudato Si’ and her science training into an integrated whole.
But Emma knows that the valuable Covenant programs that helped educate her and hundreds of other adults who hold our future are funded through generous gifts like yours. That’s why Emma invites you to consider making a donation to the Covenant today.
Emma believes that God calls us all to this work, and we must go out and share our knowledge and understanding of climate action and climate change. She remains a Common Home Corps leader and recently spoke on a young adult panel at the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice in Washington, D.C. Emma says this work is spiritually led and that she has made it a priority in her vocation.
“Because God is present in every living thing, we need to take care of all things that God knows,” Emma said. “We need to learn to live simply and to bring more youth and young adults into the fold of Catholic Climate Covenant.”
To support young adults like Emma — and to engage young people in the Church’s response to climate change as they pave the world of tomorrow — please consider making a gift this month to Catholic Climate Covenant.
Catholic Climate Covenant