Here you will find resources for homilists, bulletins, and other materials that help to integrate the rich insights of Laudato Si’ and Christian care for creation into Sunday Mass. These will include the following:
- Highlights from the Scripture readings of the day
- Relevant quotations from Laudato Si’
- Brief commentary
- Illustrations and anecdotes
- Sample applications
- Petitions to include in the Prayers of the Faithful
- Bulletin notes
These homily helps are written by the Integral Faith Team, which is a working group of the Association of United States Catholic Priests.
If you have questions or comments, please email

Ordinary Time (Feb-Mar, Jul-Nov 2019)
In the readings for these weeks leading up to Lent, we see Jesus lay out his mission, announcing good news for the poor, and liberty to captives. He invites us to be part of that mission, to spread his message of love and reconciliation. In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis sees a link between how we treat the natural world and how we treat one another, especially the most vulnerable of God’s children. May we heed the call of Jesus to build just relationships with all of our brothers and sisters and with all of God’s creation.
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 3rd)
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 10th)
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 17th)
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 24th)
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (March 3rd)
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 30th)
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 7th)
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 14th)
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 21)
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 28)
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 1)
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 8)
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 15)
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 22)
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 29)
Feast of St. Francis (October 4)
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 6)
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 13)
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 20)
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 27)
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 3)
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 10)
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 17)
Feast of Christ the King Cycle C (November 24)
Lent (Mar-Apr 2019)
Lent is a season of conversion and repentance. The Sunday scriptures for Lent in Cycle C contain reference to “the land” God promises Abraham and his descendants, to nature, and to its elements. In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis makes clear that we need a change of heart and mind to create a world where exploitation does not inflict harm on our neighbor or the land we have been given to live together upon.
Advent and Christmas Season (Dec 2018- Jan 2019)
During Advent we heighten our sense as we await with anticipation news of what God is about to do. Christmas is the time of fulfillment that all of Creation looks forward to…